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Frisia Freight

With Frisia Freight to Norderney

Frisia Freight connects Norddeich on the German Mainland with the German island Norderney. With a transit time of less then an hour and many departures, Frisia Freight ensures a fast and easy possibility to reach the Island of Norderney. Book Frisia Freight with Transcamion fast and easy!

Frisia Freight - Route Overview

Timetables Number of Crossings Duration
Norddeich - Norderney daily departuers 55 minutes

Frisia Freight - Find out more

Are drivers included in the price?
One driver is included
Is a cabin included?
no cabin included
Are meals included?
no meals included
Are dangerous goods allowed?
Dangerous Goods must be requested at time of booking
Are oversize vehicles accepted?
Oversize vehicle dimensions are available on request.